Entries from 2020-01-01 to 1 year

Morning zazen on the day of the Japanese constitution

Sitting with the Antaiji sangha in the mornings and evenings

Sitting alone at Antaiji

Hey there, you can move now! My sincere apologies to everyone who is still staring at the wall and waiting for the bell to ring. You are a true buddha. I had breakfast and lunch in the meantime.

Sitting at home

Zoom meeting with Q&A before online retreat

How do you keep up proper practice? What is the difference between zazen and meditation? How do focused concentration and open awareness connect? Why do you say that we should stop being mindful? If we all have Buddha nature, where does al…

Zoom meeting and online retreat will start in 20 hours

The meeting starts on Friday at 14:00 Japanese time, 7:00 am Central European Time, Saturday night in America. The home retreat will consist of three times three rounds of daily solitary sitting, from Friday (starts right after the Zoom me…

Invitation to a Zoom meeting (and online retreat) starting in two days

The meeting will take place on Friday, 7:00 am Central European Time (14:00 Japanese time, Thursday in America). Questions about the "Home Retreat" can be asked to Sebastian at onlinezenretreat@gmail.com Instructions for sitting and invita…

Keeping our distance, uniting in cyber space

Invitation to online zazen and sitting instructions

Japanese Fukanzazengi text for study group: https://muhone.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/04/08/135043

Rutenkai goes live on Saturdays (American time)

Zazen under the cherry blossoms

Why are you here?

English text: http://www.thezensite.com/ZenTeachings/Dogen_Teachings/Shobogenzo_2_NC.pdf (scroll down to "[254] My late teacher Tendo...")Question: "Why am I here?" at 1:24:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3i3Dn7WM3k&feature=youtu.be&t=…

Zazen in the morning sun

My Teacher's House (17)

My Teacher’s House Shinyu Miyaura and the History of Antaiji in Hyogo According to Muho Noelke(by Edward Moore) V – Muho creates Miyaura (6) Edward: We’ve talked a lot of about the shortcomings of teachers. From the student’s perspective, …

My Teacher's House (16)

My Teacher’s House Shinyu Miyaura and the History of Antaiji in Hyogo According to Muho Noelke(by Edward Moore) V – Muho creates Miyaura (6) Edward: We spoke before about this idea from the Arthur Braverman’s book. That he didn’t want to l…

Sitting anyway

If zazen is good for nothing, why do it anyway?

Q: May I ask a question? In one of your recent videos you said that zazen is truly good for nothing and that nothing has substantially changed for you since your teen ages or the like. Why doing zazen then? Just because there's nothing els…


My Teacher's House (15)

My Teacher’s House Shinyu Miyaura and the History of Antaiji in Hyogo According to Muho Noelke(by Edward Moore) V – Muho creates Miyaura (5) Edward: When you returned to Antaiji, the chaos was still there. But do you think things made more…

My Teacher's House (14)

My Teacher’s House Shinyu Miyaura and the History of Antaiji in Hyogo According to Muho Noelke(by Edward Moore) V – Muho creates Miyaura (4) Edward: When did your exchange with Watanabe start, after Hosshinji? Muho: Yes. After Hosshinji, I…

My Teacher's House (13)

Links to "Eat Sleep Sit": https://terebess.hu/zen/mesterek/NonomuraKaoru.html https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/5138505-eat-sleep-sit https://www.amazon.com/Eat-Sleep-Sit-Rigorous-Hardback/dp/B00FBBFITG My Teacher’s House Shinyu Miyaura …

My Teacher's House (12)

My Teacher’s House Shinyu Miyaura and the History of Antaiji in Hyogo According to Muho Noelke(by Edward Moore) V – Muho creates Miyaura (2) Edward: Why did the older monks reconcile with Miyaura after they left the monastery? Muho: You as…

Cold sitting

Unmon: When the wind blows, I fall

My Teacher's House (11)

My Teacher’s House Shinyu Miyaura and the History of Antaiji in Hyogo According to Muho Noelke(by Edward Moore) V – Muho creates Miyaura (1) In 1990, while studying at Kyoto University, Muho first stayed at Antaiji for six months. Aged 22,…