Thanks for the woolen cap

Sunday sitting

Autumn in Osaka

Sunday in the park

Sitting under the autumn sky in my summer dress

Yoga & zazen

Just when things got thrilling, the camera storage reached its limit!

Mostly English talk on the last part of the Gyoji-chapter by Dogen Zenji

Scroll down to "144b" for English text:

Mostly English talk on the last part of the Gyoji-chapter by Dogen Zenji

Scroll down to "144b" for English text:

Sunday zazen inside (because of the weather)

Sitting in the park on a (not so) stormy Sunday

Yoga and Zazen in Osaka Castle Park

Buddha nature: Have you got it yet?

Our weekly study group on the SBGZ chapter called Bussho ("Buddha nature"). English transation can be found here (scroll down to [31] for today's part): Have you got it yet?…

Yoga and zazen in Osaka castle park

Today, we practiced 15 minutes of yoga for the first time before zazen. Xuan ( will teach us next week again.

Facing the wall (for a change)

Sitting among crows and cicadas

Rutenkai: Sitting in the park

Interview with Brad Warner

Brad’s channel - Brad on Twitter - Brad’s blog - Brad’s books - Angel City Zen Ctr. Zoom Schedule…

"In the Belly of the Dragon" by Philippe Coupey

Sunday zazen in the park

Staying home, sitting zazen

Zazen outside again!

Sunday zazen online

Morning sitting in Antaiji

Disrupted sitting

Morning zazen on the day of the Japanese constitution

Sitting with the Antaiji sangha in the mornings and evenings

Sitting alone at Antaiji

Hey there, you can move now! My sincere apologies to everyone who is still staring at the wall and waiting for the bell to ring. You are a true buddha. I had breakfast and lunch in the meantime.

Sitting at home

Zoom meeting with Q&A before online retreat

How do you keep up proper practice? What is the difference between zazen and meditation? How do focused concentration and open awareness connect? Why do you say that we should stop being mindful? If we all have Buddha nature, where does al…