Entries from 2021-01-01 to 1 year

A fresh breeze and the song of the cicadas

Sitting in Balkonia

Sitting in the rain

Zazen and kinhin on the balcony

Sunday morning on the balcony (T-shirt version)

Sunday morning on the balcony

Sunday zazen on the balcony

Sitting by the emergency ladder

Zazen with and without head

Zazen on the balcony

Sunday zazen on my balcony

Zazen under the cherry tree

Yoga and zazen in early spring Osaka

Sitting inside, again

Sunday sitting inside (because of rain)

Zazen on ”White Day”

Sunday sitting at sunrise

Zazen outside on a cloudy Sunday

Zazen: Life-changing or good for nothing?

Yoga, zazen & viewing the ume blossom and last years leafs

We sat faster this morning (Turbo Zen ©) and had a look at the ume (plums/apricots) and some leaf-writing in the castle park in Osaka: コロナに負けるな♡

Yoga & Zazen in Nakazaki-cho, Osaka and Muho chanting the Heart sutra on Nirvana day 2021

Yoga & Zen, masked, distanced and disinfected

Xuan ist fuer den Yoga-Part verantwortlich (https://www.instagram.com/april5211/).

Sitting at home

Online zazen

Invitation to online zazen